Gorgoras_ Ghost stories from France
“Sand-Arms” watching for hikers in the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel, the “Sootymen” enjoying themselves on the roofs of Paris… The secrets of these monsters, called “Gorgoras”, finally revealed! Welcome, dear friends. I am professor Lafayette from Paris University, the Gorgoras specialist. Haven’t you heard about Gorgoras? Well, they are those strange creatures that inhabit our […]

Dentaku, the Doctor-poet of Edo
Set in old Tokyo at the end of the 18th century when Tokyo was still called Edo. Dentaku is a doctor who in his spare time enjoys leisurely strolls under the cherry blossoms, listening to snowflakes falling and immortalizing these precious moments with his brush. “Dentaku”(japanese title “Odaijini”) is the title of a manga series […]

Rémi La Bohème
Paris, Montmartre. A shadow moves quickly between the roofs. It’s Remi. The “honest people” call him a hooligan, but girls and kids perceive himas a hero, who knows how to keep the child’s open mindset.”I’m the kid of the street and I hate traced paths! I will follow my own path, a path of a bohemian!” REMI, […]

Aventuriers_ Explorer’s Legends
Episode 1 : Bloody MondayDuring a night sand storm, two aviators flying over a desert lose their direction.Suddenly they spot a light in the darkness, and discover a huge lighthouse in the middle of the desert, towering over ruins.Upon close inspection, they find suspended scraps of airplanes that surround the tower…The pirates of the desert! […]

Gorgoras_ Ghost stories from France
“Sand-Arms” watching for hikers in the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel, the “Sootymen” enjoying themselves on the roofs of Paris… The secrets of these monsters, called “Gorgoras”, finally revealed! Welcome, dear friends. I am professor Lafayette from Paris University, the Gorgoras specialist. Haven’t you heard about Gorgoras? Well, they are those strange creatures that inhabit our […]

Dentaku, the Doctor-poet of Edo
Set in old Tokyo at the end of the 18th century when Tokyo was still called Edo. Dentaku is a doctor who in his spare time enjoys leisurely strolls under the cherry blossoms, listening to snowflakes falling and immortalizing these precious moments with his brush. “Dentaku”(japanese title “Odaijini”) is the title of a manga series […]

Rémi La Bohème
Paris, Montmartre. A shadow moves quickly between the roofs. It’s Remi. The “honest people” call him a hooligan, but girls and kids perceive himas a hero, who knows how to keep the child’s open mindset.”I’m the kid of the street and I hate traced paths! I will follow my own path, a path of a bohemian!” REMI, […]

Aventuriers_ Explorer’s Legends
Episode 1 : Bloody MondayDuring a night sand storm, two aviators flying over a desert lose their direction.Suddenly they spot a light in the darkness, and discover a huge lighthouse in the middle of the desert, towering over ruins.Upon close inspection, they find suspended scraps of airplanes that surround the tower…The pirates of the desert! […]